Sunday, January 08, 2012

Tropical Drama, painting palm trees

I keep a paper towel in my hand when I paint and wipe the brush when I change colors or make a heavy stroke of paint. I don't like to dip the brush in paint solvents because it muddies the color.

I mix a shadow color for the under fronds of the palm tree using phthalo blue, cad. yellow, and alizarin crimson.

I put the trunks in by pulling the brush staigh down in a vertical clean swipe using phthalo blue and red iron oxide.

I block in the general color of the palms with a mix of lemon yellow,cad yellow, phthalo blue and white.

I use a brighter green to add depth in the trees.

I add the sky color now.

I finish painting the general sky color.

I add high lights of red oxide,white,and cad yellow to the trees.

I add more paint build up the high lights and add more bright colors.

Tropical Drama
oil painting

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Price: $200 USD plus $15 USD s/h

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All images are © 2004-2011 Delilah Smith, Art by Delilah


Linda Popple said...

Very nice! I like reading about your process and I learned a thing or two!!

Delilah said...

Thanks Linda, Gee wiz you are so good I guess we are all learning something new.