Pansy No2

About This Painting:
The Pansy, it would seem, is one of the most alluring of all garden flowers. Its little faces make most of us laugh when we look at them. The English have given the Pansy many nicknames, such as Call-meto-you, Love-true, Three-faces-under-a-hood, Pink-eyed-John, Tickle-my-fancy, Bird's-eye, Jump-up-and-kiss-me, God-father, Godmother, Love-in-idleness, Kiss-me-in-the-buttery, Rob-run-the-street, and Heartsease.
With such names, it is not strange that the French call it pensee, for this word means thoughts. Yet with all the Pansies' charms, there are some persons who do not grow them. I love the little charmers. This is number 2 that I have painted the other was over a year ago but its spring and I see them everywhere, so I must paint them.
Pansy No2
oil on canvas
Media: oil
Size: 10 in X 10 in (25.4 cm X 25.4 cm)
Price: $100 USD
How to Purchase: