Yesterday we visited the home of
Millie Gift Smith. I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures to share, but this is a good reason to make a return visit to her home and enjoy this wonderful womans artwork.
Millie has the same last name as mine but is not a relative. I think I will adopt this charming lady who open her home and ground to us to plien air paint.
We were given a tour of Millie's studio which had us all drooling with it large window and wonderful painting area. Millie showed us how she sets up her camera and make
instructional videos of her art work which she show on Utube.
Now having said all of this Millie is 90 and still going strong somewhat of a newly wed having married at 85. She made me realize it is never to late to learn. I had bought a video camera over a year ago to do a little Utube work and have found every excuse in the book not to start. Well if this lady can do her own videos, she is self taught and edits and films her own , I guess it's time for me to learn. I am giving my self to the end of the month for my first video. I don't think it will take me that long to make the video but it may take me that long to clean the studio.
Across the Pond

About This Painting:
Across the Pond
5x7 oil painting on canvas mounted on hardboard ready to frame.
Media: oil painting
Size: 7 in X 5 in (17.8 cm X 12.7 cm)
Price: $70 USD
How to Purchase:
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